To begin a new adventure, you first create an Avatar, who will essentially be your alter-ego while you are in Mythos. You name your Avatar, select Sex, Race & Alignment, and decide on the Attributes you will have.
These six Attributes (strength, intelligence, wisdom, constitution, dexterity & charisma) are modified from a base setting (to a maximum of 18), dependent on your choice of Race and Sex.
A random number of additional points are generated for you to to modify these base values
To Modify Attributes:
Place the cursor on top or to the right of the attribute you want to change. If the cursor is in the top half of the value it will turn into an "up" arrow...if in the lower half, a "down" arrow. Click the mouse for each point you wish to add or subtract. Remaining points to place are displayed to the upper right of the attributes.
You can set any attribute to as low as one, but any Attribute under nine will probably jeopardize your chances for success in any endeavor utilizing that Attribute...and all of your Attributes will greatly affect many aspects of game-play.
Changing your Race or Sex after assigning some Attributes will reset everything to the base settings.
The name (max 10 letters) you choose for your Avatar. Saved game files will reflect this name in their titles.
Click on your option of sex (male or female). This choice will affect your base attribute points, the appearance of the Avatar Info button, and (soon) the Avatar board graphic.
Select the race for your Avatar. This choice also affects your base attribute points, as well as influences the way certain monsters react to you.
Select the alignment (general demeanor) for your Avatar. This choice will affect how other critters usually react to you.
Strength: General physical power. Important when attacking. Helps determine your encumberance level. Influences the Fighter Discipline.
Intelligence: General use of brain. Important for reading Books. Influences the Magick User Discipline.
Wisdom: General use of mind. Important for reading Scrolls. Influences the Cleric Discipline.
Constitution: General toughness. Important in taking damage, regenerating hit points, and determining maximum hit points. Influences the Psionics Discipline.
Dexterity: General quickness and balance. Important when attacking and picking pockets. Influences the Thief Discipline.
Charisma: General looks and demeaner. Important in determining if a monster's reaction to you and in hiring underlings.
A new feature is Disciplines, areas of knowledge you can learn and improve on throughout the game. They are taught to you in Schools (see Rooms), and you'll need at least a 15 ranking in each Discipline's related Attribute (as well as 500 gold pieces) to begin training in that area. Disciplines assist your Avatar's odds in certain situations.
Current Disciplines:
Fighter: This Discipline increases your fighting ability, both on hitting and damage dealt.
Magick User: This Discipline positively influences the effectiveness of all of your magick usage.
Cleric: Lets you read higher-level Scrolls than you would be able to normally.
Psionics: This Discipline increases your hitting and damage abilities when using wands.
Thief: This skill increases your abilities when searching areas and picking pockets.
When you give a World's King the Major Artifact (see Items) of that World, he will knight you and grant permission for you to build a stronghold in that World as a base of operations. See Guilds in Rooms for more information.
Other Stuff
Encumberance: Your Avatar can only carry so much stuff with him or her, mostly based on your Strength attribute; excessive gold should be banked, and soon you'll be able to hire creatures as Porters to help you haul your possessions around. In the meanwhile, you'll have to decide what you think is important and drop/sell things you don't need. Note: Gold you win in Arenas is automagickally banked for you, but Items received from Oracles are subject to your encumberance limitations...if you can't carry what you receive, it vanishes & you lose out!
Your Avatar also has Health and Power ratings, displayed as bars in the Stats area (see user interface).
Health is important; You start at 100% and it slowly runs down; if it reaches zero, you die. Eating Food helps replenish your Health, as well as using various magickal items.
Power is currently useful when using:
Relics: Many Relics consume a portion of your Power so use them judiciously, as you will not be able to use Relics if you don't have enough Power.
Disciplines: You automatically make use of any available Discipline bonuses whenever you can; however, some Disiplines draw from your Power reserve...if you do not have enough Power for such Discipline usage, you will naturally not receive the benefits of that Discipline.... Your Power rating will automatically begin replenishing itself as you run it down.